Sunday, 2 April 2017

Get Out Opening

I recently went to see the film Get Out, categorised by IMDb as a horror/mystery. The film itself is largely psychological with sudden shocks assisted by orchestral music as opposed to the more typical trope of the devil for example in the horror genre. In my opinion the film was more of a mystery thriller and even though the later part of the plot wasn't really the type of cinema I enjoy, the cinematography was interesting.

The opening of the film drew similarities to our opening whereby the style of the titles themselves is a sort of contradiction to the content of the film. Judging the bright color palette and blue simple style of the titles in isolation, the film  conforms to the style of indie films. In doing so, as we had hoped for our film, the audience is in a false sense of security before the tone changes (in this case where the car hits a deer).

Throughout the film, director Jordan Peele explores use of extreme close ups to create emotional intensity as we had done in our opening.

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