Friday, 16 September 2016

Storyboarding Remember Me

As well as being introduced to camera shots, in the lesson we watched the opening scene of the BBC programme Remember Me. Whilst watching the clip, we filled out a storyboard for each new shot containing as much detail as possible. Doing activity helped me understand the level of detail I'll need to include when working on our groups film opening.
The opening of Remember Me was such an interesting scene to watch as it built so much tension through the varied speed of scenes and mood created by the establishing shots. The older man who appeared to be the protagonist of the story had no dialogue but the later introduction of the ghost leaves so many questions to be answered.

The trickiest part I found in storyboarding, as shown above, was when the camera would tilt or pan within one shot. To demonstrate this I annotated as much as possible alongside use of arrows.

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