Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Preliminary Task - Techniques

The preliminary task requires us to include match on action, the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot

Match on action

Match on action is an editing technique where one shot cuts to another, portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. This technique provides a sense of continuity and creates a "visual bridge".

The 180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule means that all filming takes place within the 180 degrees angle in front of the camera which ensures the background remains the same. This allows the audience
to have a greater sense of location in terms of what may be off camera.
Shot Reverse shot
This technique is used when filming conversations, filming one character then switching the shot to one of the other character in the duologue. Shot reverse shot often ties in with the 180 degree rule to create continuity in the scene by not distorting the location of characters.

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