Thursday, 29 September 2016

Preliminary Task

In Wednesday's lesson it was our group's turn to shoot and edit our prelim. Though short, the process highlighted to me how crucial storyboarding will be when creating our two minute film opening particularly when changing location. As well as this, timing will be crucial as we hope to involve a number of people in a party scene for our film opening therefore utilising the time wisely, not only for our sake, will be beneficial.

The concept of continuity, paying attention to the mise en scene of every shot will be something we need to become accustomed to in order to produce the best work possible. There were a number of times in filming our prelim that the setup of chairs was altered or positioning of myself or Julia was slightly off meaning re filming that specific shot. We did however manage to incorporate shot reverse shot, match on action and follow the 180 degrees rule.

As well as our first time filming as a group, it was our first chance to edit and get accustomed to using iMovie. Following editing and exporting we did notice a sound error at the 10 second point in the clip. If we had observed the sound levels on iMovie we would have been able to spot the sudden rise in sound however this is something we can take away and consider when creating our film opening. Using a MP3 file in the background allowed us to play around with sound levels not only in the clips but overlapping sound.

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