Monday, 13 March 2017

Use of FreeSound

Within our film opening we used a variation of recorded diegetic sound and foley sound effects either recorded separately or non diegetic sound. For the non diegetic sound used to accompany the constant action of the opening, we relied upon the website FreeSound for uncopyrighted sound. The diegetic sound of the party scene was included in editing in turning the sound down on the actual clip then converting our desired audio into mp3 format. In doing so, constant varied sound not only was in keeping with the mood of the protagonist but also emphasised the awkwardness and shock of the glitch sequence.

Once we'd finished cutting together all of our footage and decided upon having no sound in the glitch segment (use of a poll) we began to layer and enhance sound elsewhere. One key example was the our of focus POV shot prior to the running sequence where we didn't want the stillness of the shot to cause a dip in tension which is why we added the sound of a heartbeat.

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